The environment is a child's third teacher.
Our current programming reflects the Reggio Emilia constructivist philosophy. For over sixty years, Reggio Emilia's approaches have proven successful in early-childhood education. In Reggio Emilia, a child is viewed as strong, capable, competent, and full of potential. Children are held in high regard and are researchers and co-learners alongside their educators. Educators are keen observers and recorders of each child’s interests and needs. We provide a space to our children full of books, objects and materials. Our programming develops out of the interests of the children themselves and promotes the unique ways children can communicate before they can fluently speak.
Canada Place Child Care Society (CPCCS) provides special programming such as French Language Classes, Music, and Yoga for the children. These programs align with the notion that children come into the world with a hundred languages. Music and dance provide a venue for children to express themselves in creative ways. We also strive to achieve the Canada Physical Activity Guidelines by providing our children with opportunities to explore the local community through guided walks and time in our private gym and playground.
The Government of Alberta recently published a new early learning and child care framework, Flight: Alberta's Early Learning and Care Framework. We were excited to see how much of the Reggio philosophy is evident in the new framework and is the type of programming we already offer at CPCCS. We are in the process of modernizing our programs and activities to align with the new framework while retaining our Reggio philosophy. To assist with this process, we have formed partnerships with MacEwan University and Norquest College and provide student internships at our centre. These internships serve two purposes. First to allow students to complete their practicum requirements and secondly to provide our educators with ideas and activities based on the new Alberta curriculum.